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3 June 2013

In which country we find the biggest whores?

In which country we find the biggest whores? What question is that? The biggest whores in the world are found in Eastern Europe, namely in the countries Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Belarus or Ukraine. Everyone knows that. In these countries, most of the girls are prostitutes. Romanian women sucking dick for money just as the breathing. Romanian women eating dick on bread. Romanian women leave home to work as prostitutes. In Italy the most common whores are Romanian, the same situation encountered in Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands. Romanians are some pimps who send their wives and children into prostitution in the West. Romanians are undeveloped wild beasts. Romanian women are some stealthily settling sows unable to love unselfishly. Stop looking whores elsewhere, in Eastern Europe are the biggest whores from around the world. In which country we find the biggest whores or more precisely in which country state institutions are dysfunctional? In Romania prostitution is punished too little, prostitution is a business headed by police, Romania is the most corrupt country in the world.

Romanian sluts sucking dick, make sex for money or kiss dick for cash because are animals with no heart and no soul. Romanian women are the most fucked whores in the world because are the most biggest whores from around the world. Romanian women are human wrecks. A woman who had an adventurous sex life with several men after 28 to 30 years is physically and morally outdated. Romanian women are dependent to the sex for money, of blowjob against cost. In Romania, nine out of ten Romanian women, of 30 years, are whores unable to understand wear and tear. The fact is that whores are some cows insatiable, make sex for money and blowjob everywhere and anyone. Romanian sluts, romanian women in generally sucking dick for money all the time. Romanian women are some insatiable nymphomaniac girls.

"Romanian girls are the most materialist girls that i ever meet. They can do everything for money. Well i cant say that all romanian girls are materialist but most of them are. And "moral" is something that they dont know & dont understant it" - Erald from Albania. "I have been ripped off conned and emotionally wrecked by a romanian girl. She even went as far as to marry me just to get the money and to get her family in the UK. I was so madly in love with her, I was also at her home in Hunedoara (what a shit is this town!!) but all she wanted was money. Strongly advise for european men: stay away from these girls because they are cruel and heartless" - Marky from UK. "This girl I met seemed most sincere and I really thought she loved me. But in the end she just scammed me for cash with many men, romanian girls are very whores. Romanian women are some bitches who manipulates people, I dont think I would trust in a romanian girl ever again!! " ...also said Mark. "If I can warn others to prevent them getting in the same situation as me then I have helped a fellow human being" ...concluded Mark.

"HA, HA, HA, another fool who does not know the facts about women from East and Central Europe or the Balkans and Southeast Europe. Women there are sluts who only care about money" - Dr Phil from Finland. "I can tell you that Romania is a horrible place. It is by far the worst country to live in. Girls from Romania learn to be corrupt, thieving, liars from their parents. I remember reading in the local papers about all sorts of scams on e-bay and involving virtually any crime you can think of, committed by Romanians. I met a woman from Romania who told me that is alone and looking for a serious relationship with a man from USA. She hid the fact that it has a child. Later on admitted that she lives with her husband with which is very happy. She then came up with a story about a sick grandmother who needed expensive surgery she could not afford, so I kicked her to the curb. The next girl from Romania with which I flirted asked me within an hour money to pay an alleged debt she had. I was invited to stay with a family in Brasov. One of the daughters stole my credit card and tried to use it. They also managed to steal 200 Euros out of my wallet while I was showering. There in the Romania is permissiveness culture for fraud and thievery. It is no wonder that country is so paralyzed by corruption.

To see how the young Romanian women use foreign men, who are usually twenty years older, with a fat wallet, is disgusting, A young woman from Romania wants an old man from USA for one reason: to milk him" - Paul Woodsen. So in conclusion, to the question "In which country we find the biggest whores?" we have a single answer, a single certainty, ROMANIA, surely Romanian girls are the biggest whores in the world. The Romanians are some bastards born by the biggest whores. Romania is champion on exportation bitches. Pimping is state policy in Romania.

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